Polska Bibliografia Naukowa

Index Copernicus Journal Master List


Issue 17 (4) 2018 pp. 71-81

Łukasz Krysiak

Faculty of Building Services, Hydro and Environmental Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw

The impact of riverbed erosion on the technical condition of water engineering structures: the example of Vistula river reach near the outlet of Wilanówka stream

Keywords: river engineering structures, sediment dredging, erosion

Design and maintenance of most water engineering structures is inseparably linked to a set of relevant environmental
conditions. Since the latter undergo gradual transformations, the former are also dynamic. This
paper provides a brief analysis of deep riverbed erosion occurring in the Vistula river reach near the outlet of
Wilanówka stream. The resulting changes of the valley’s geomorphology are explained, as well as the detrimental
effects they have on the technical condition and functionality of the river engineering structures and
the levees within the analysed river reach. Selected requirements for water engineering structures according
to the Polish regulations are discussed.

pub/17_4_71.pdf Full text available in Adobe Acrobat format:

For citation:

MLA Krysiak, Łukasz. "The impact of riverbed erosion on the technical condition of water engineering structures: the example of Vistula river reach near the outlet of Wilanówka stream." Acta Sci.Pol. Architectura 17.4 (2018): 71-81.
APA Krysiak Ł. (2018). The impact of riverbed erosion on the technical condition of water engineering structures: the example of Vistula river reach near the outlet of Wilanówka stream. Acta Sci.Pol. Architectura, 17 (4), 71-81
ISO 690 Krysiak, Łukasz. The impact of riverbed erosion on the technical condition of water engineering structures: the example of Vistula river reach near the outlet of Wilanówka stream. Acta Sci.Pol. Architectura, 2018, 17.4: 71-81.
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